Monday, August 11, 2008

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

With the aid of Paul McKenna's Positivity session I have been trying to reprogram my mind and master my emotions, blocking negative behaviour or patterns.

You are supposed to change the tone of your internal voice to something more pleasant and move the sound away so when you criticise yourself in a more constructive way. Visualization is key. Change the picture and the sound and it will change the feeling

Here are some important quotes and mantras that are supposed to help you

If you keep doing what you have already done, you'll just get more of what you have already got

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right. Henry Ford

You always get more of what you focus on in life

You can never be on the outside how you think of yourself on the inside

what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail

for anything to happen in the real world, it first has to happen in the imaginary world


The mind is a powerful thing:
The Placebo Effect is one of the most common phenomena observed in medicine, but also a very mysterious one. It is powerful. In a study carried out at the University of Harvard, its effectiveness was tested in a wide range of disturbances, including pain, arterial hypertension and asthma. The result was impressive: 30 to 40% of the patients obtained relief with the use of placebo.

So I got through almost all of the cd's and i didn't feel that much more positive but I did get a pay rise so it might be working!?

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